Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that necessarily brings happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of feeling. It means the contentment of the mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content with his life, is really happy. Happiness cannot be purchased with money. So we see that the richest men of our society are not the happiest men. They lead life with cares and anxieties and pass sleepless nights. One the other hand, there are large number of poor men who are happy and enjoy a sound sleep. The man who is honest and virtuous, though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. His conscious mind does not torment him. Hence money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness.
Money Cannot Buy Happiness
Money is a must for life. But it can not bring happiness. Happiness depends on the contentment of the mind. A man is happy who is satisfied with what he gets. Money has something to do with happiness but it cannot give us absolute happiness. Happiness lies in moral and spiritual development.
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