We have plenty of water around us but do not know what water is to drink. We have many sources from which we get water. We have the mighty rivers, canals, ponds from which we get water. We have underground water which we collect with the help of pumping machines and tube-wells. And above all, we get water from rainfall. The common people have hardly any idea about what they should drink. To them whatever water is available is good for drink. They are ready to drink water supplies from river or canal or pond. Water from such sources may contain germs or impurities of other kinds which do not concern them at all. Our people are illiterate and basic knowledge regarding purity and impurity is something that they are not aware of. It will be many years before they have access to the information they need to know.
Need For Reliable Sources of Water
We have plenty of water from different sources like rivers, canals, ponds, tube-wells and rainfall. But all water is not pure and safe to drink. Many of our people being illiterate they are not aware of it. And it will take time for them to have access to information they need to know.
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বই দুটি তোমার কল্পনার চেয়েও সুন্দর কি না তা কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখলেই আশা করি বুঝতে পারবে! আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপেও তোমরা যোগ দিতে পারো: Collegiate Publications
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