The secret of success in life lies in the proper use of time. Many of us forget that every moment is valuable. Life is short but art is long. Time is uncertain; we do not know when we shall die. During this limited and uncertain period, we have to do a lot of things. If we waste the precious time in idleness, we may reduce the time of our important work. As a result, we suffer and success becomes difficult to achieve. We can achieve success only by using every minute properly. Time once lost is lost forever. The boy who is unmindful to his lessons will realize his faults later on. He will certainly understand that he has lost the opportunity to make him learned. The young man, who is afraid of work and loses his time in idleness, is sure to find himself in later years a burden to himself and to others. If any man is punctual and industrious, he will find time for doing anything. The busiest man has, in fact, the greatest amount of leisure because he does his work regularly and does not put off any work for tomorrow what he can do today. History tells us that all the great men in the world have achieved success by making proper use of time.
The Proper Use of Time for Success in Life
Those who make the best use of time can shine in life. Time once gone, can never be regained. So, every moment of our life is very precious. We should not waste our time in idleness. Great men in the world have got name and fame by making proper use of time.
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